Specification | Actions | Progress |
Xubuntu 20.04: Bugs | Edit Whiteboard | |
"Fix Released" and "Invalid" bugs that are still pending for Xubuntu - Bug #509384: ubuntu-logo does not implement display_question callback Feature requests moved to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-g-development | ||
Xubuntu 20.04: Website | Edit Whiteboard | |
Front page refresh: - Show the current LTS and regular release on the front page - News visible on the front page? - A different style for the header (maybe extend the background area and overlay the intro on it?) – Use Gutenberg for laying out content – A block for latest posts (output with the excerpt) and a parameter for offset? – Reliability of Gutenberg columns? cdimage.ubuntu.com CSS change process: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/FlavorCSSChanges Xubuntu cdimage assets: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website/+bug/1835023 | ||
Xubuntu 20.04: Artwork | Edit | |
Xubuntu 20.04: Development | Edit Whiteboard | |
Xubuntu Core (Base): - URL: https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/debian-cd/xubuntu-base - https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/debian-cd/xubuntu-base/+merge/347414 - URL: https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/livecd-rootfs/xubuntu-base - https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/livecd-rootfs/xubuntu-base/+merge/347319 - URL: https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-cdimage/xubuntu-base - https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-cdimage/xubuntu-base/+merge/347320 Pidgin theme: - URL: https://github.com/shimmerproject/pidgin-elementary - Pidgin will require patching to support installing this theme globally Improved developer documentation. Useful topics to cover: - Configuring development environment for Xfce and Xubuntu - Debian packaging for Xubuntu packages (including gbp) - Launchpad git workflow (WIP https://wiki.xubuntu.org/devel/git) - Release process for applications (similar to the Xfce docs) - Standard SRU practices to backport fixes to LTS | ||
Xubuntu 20.04: Documentation | Edit Whiteboard | |
FLYER UPDATE: https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team/xubuntu-marketing/current General: – Add a direct link to the download page Front page: – Replace screenshot with one from 18.04 What can I do with Xubuntu?: – Modify the text to be more about the Xubuntu experience as a whole rather than highlight specific apps (with names)? In the Ubuntu ecosystem: – Ubuntu does not use Unity any more... Software in Xubuntu: – Replace "from GNOME and KDE" with "from other desktop environments", or maybe just "with different toolkits like Qt"? – I'd drop mention of GNOME and KDE, and dependencies (a bit out of scope for a flashy flyer) and just say that it can run any Linux applications [lyz] Help & Support: – Mention official docs first under the Help & Support section (same with website)? Local communities: – Do we want to keep the community photo? – I'm inclined to drop mention of LoCos, there aren't many active ones these days [lyz] – In general, the flyer is very wordy, people like pretty things. Maybe replace the LoCo section with a section about our beautiful community-contributed default backgrounds [lyz] – Adjust the Contribute section and mention it's volunteer-driven [lyz] – Link to blog and social media stuff [lyz] | ||
Xubuntu 20.04: QA & Testing | Edit Whiteboard | |
Only QA and Testing related bugs to be shown here. Other bugs that need fixes should be linked on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-f-bugs Xubuntu testers (open team) - https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-testers More detailed information for all testers at https://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/qa.html Rolling release note at https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/20.04/release-notes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule Ongoing tasks: * Ongoing package testcase checking * Package Testing * Release Note * Testcase addition/modifications | ||
Total |
QA status
Image | Boot status | Install status |
Desktop: 32-bit (i386) | ✘ | ✘ |
Desktop: 64-bit (amd64) | ✘ | ✘ |
Notice Board
Tester Noticesubiquity current issue - no try/install dialogue, fix in the works
Work item details
Assignee | Work item | Specification | |
Sean Davis | LP #1873895 Regression: block staircase display with side-by-side monitors of different pixel widths | Bugs | Edit |
Pasi Lallinaho | LP #1782876 Automate the Xubuntu download page | Website | Edit |
Pasi Lallinaho | Create wallpaper | Artwork | Edit |
Ubuntu CD Image Team | xubuntu-core: Review and merge patches | Development | Edit |
Steve Langasek | Apply Xubuntu style for cdimage.ubuntu.com | Website | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1507983 Timeout until screen blanks setting does nothing | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #964331 Ubiquity chooses which drive to install to with no user input | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1759117 Wording of saved panel layout | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1769775 Adjusting volume displays a notification bubble for every instance of the volume plugin | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1871230 wrapper-2.0 crashed with SIGABRT in wrapper_gproxy_g_signal() | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1870641 xfsettingsd doesn't open on login, making the system look ugly | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1866659 Xubuntu 20.04 has incomplete language support of offline install | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1834269 'Official documentation online' link not linking to latest docs | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1728236 Document installation of qt5-style-plugins | Documentation | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1845362 gnome-font-viewer crashed with signal 5 in _XEventsQueued() | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1860921 Missing window decorations in VNC | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1874178 Unlocking existing session needs two attempts after selecting Switch User | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #509384 ubuntu-logo does not implement display_question callback | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1833863 Incorrect logic for <Merge type="all"> | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1754872 Document installation of xubuntu-desktop | Documentation | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1837071 xfsettingsd crashed with SIGSEGV | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1740578 Tooltips unresponsive | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1740637 Remove python-appindicator and gir1.2-appindicator-0.1 | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1872058 screenshooter defaults to Feh during live session | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1829778 Names are 1, 2, 3, 4, Workspace 5, ... | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1830471 Translate menu items in Create document sub menu | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1867515 [xubuntu] logo doesnt appear on first page | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1834270 update link to xubuntu irc | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1848755 xubuntu and ubuntustudio should not depend on apt-offline (or fix it) | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1847898 System doesn't boot after installation - Legacy mode / 2 disks | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1845800 xiccd consumes 100% CPU | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1835668 Locking screen on live system no longer possible with Xubuntu 18.10/19.04 | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1866537 Show desktop shortcut doesnt work | Bugs | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | LP #1835023 cdimage.ubuntu.com flavor assets | Website | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | pidgin-elementary: Package theme and set as default | Development | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | pidgin-elementary: Provide patches for Pidgin theme support | Development | Edit |
Xubuntu Developers | xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin: Add visual indicator for when microphone is in use | Development | Edit |
Xubuntu Documentation | Update website feature tour | Documentation | Edit |
Xubuntu Documentation | Update flyer | Documentation | Edit |
Xubuntu Quality Assurance | Increase active testers during cycle | QA & Testing | Edit |
Xubuntu Quality Assurance | New tester session on IRC | QA & Testing | Edit |
Xubuntu Quality Assurance | Social media contact during cycle | QA & Testing | Edit |
Xubuntu Quality Assurance | Testing articles during cycle | QA & Testing | Edit |
Xubuntu Quality Assurance | Testing calls | QA & Testing | Edit |
Xubuntu Team | Run wallpaper contest | Artwork | Edit |
Xubuntu Website | Allow administrating tracker with a web UI | Website | Edit |
Xubuntu Website | Automate the press page | Website | Edit |
Xubuntu Website | Migrate work item data maintaining from LP blueprints to tracker | Website | Edit |
Xubuntu Website | Use a central repository for style stuff (include via Git submodules) | Website | Edit |
- February 2025
- 11 LP #1740578 Tooltips unresponsive completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1740637 Remove python-appindicator and gir1.2-appindicator-0.1 completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1829778 Names are 1, 2, 3, 4, Workspace 5, ... completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1830471 Translate menu items in Create document sub menu completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1834270 update link to xubuntu irc completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1835023 cdimage.ubuntu.com flavor assets completed by Xubuntu Developers in Website
- LP #1835668 Locking screen on live system no longer possible with Xubuntu 18.10/19.04 completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1837071 xfsettingsd crashed with SIGSEGV completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1845800 xiccd consumes 100% CPU completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1847898 System doesn't boot after installation - Legacy mode / 2 disks completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1848755 xubuntu and ubuntustudio should not depend on apt-offline (or fix it) completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1866537 Show desktop shortcut doesnt work completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1867515 [xubuntu] logo doesnt appear on first page completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- LP #1872058 screenshooter defaults to Feh during live session completed by Xubuntu Developers in Bugs
- May 2020
- 24 Create wallpaper completed by Pasi Lallinaho in Artwork
- Run wallpaper contest completed by Xubuntu Team in Artwork
- November 2019
- 15 Apply Xubuntu style for cdimage.ubuntu.com completed by Steve Langasek in Website